This is sometimes used as a hint in content processors. The optional build configuration name from the build system. It must be a member of the GraphicsProfile enum:

Set the target graphics profile for this build. NOTE: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Switch support is only available to licensed console developers. It must be a member of the TargetPlatform enum: Assembly Reference /reference:Īn optional parameter which adds an assembly reference which contains importers, processors, or writers needed during content building. Only build content that changed since the last build. Only the /intermediateDir and /outputDir need to be defined for clean to do its job. Clean Content /cleanĭelete all previously built content and intermediate files. Rebuild Content /rebuildįorce a full rebuild of all content. Defaults to the current working directory. Specifies the directory where all intermediate files are written. Specifies the directory where all content is written.

When an option is repeated, it is overwritten. The options are processed “left to right”. Then you can execute MGCB by simply running mgcb. In a terminal run dotnet tool install -g dotnet-mgcb to install MGCB. Alternatively you can use it yourself from the command line for specialized build pipelines or for debugging content processing. Typically, it is executed by the MGCB Editor when editing content or by during the build process The MonoGame Content Builder is a command line tool for building XNB content on Windows, Mac, and Linux desktop systems.